Our Food

Florida Food You Get on Tour

We really are blessed to be living in South Florida where there is such a vibrant and varied culinary community. New restaurants, bakeries, cafes, sandwich shops, bodegas, and take-out counters open anew every day. With cuisine influenced from around the world, Florida food comes in countless flavors.

If you’re looking for a culinary experience unlike any other, Hollywood Florida Food Tour gives you an authentic taste of Florida.

our customers love us

Latest Reviews

“I enjoyed the whole experience. Everyone was friendly and made me feel welcome.  The food was amazing.”


Wendy B.

“The food tour is a brilliant way to experience a world of cuisines including those you may not ordinarily consider. It is like traveling to exotic lands without having to fly across the world.”


Larry S.

Hollywood Florida Food Tours

Access to the Best South Florida Foods

Getting hangry? New to the area? Stomach growling? Have a sudden hankering for the best local secrets and hidden gems with some of the best food South Florida has to offer? We have you covered!

Let South Florida Food Tour do the work for you. By booking a tour with us, you don’t have to waste time figuring out where to go or what to order. We take you to the best places the Sunshine State has to offer and treat you to all sorts of new and exciting flavors. By the time you’re through with your tour, you’ll have the inside scoop on the hottest eateries around. (You’ll also have a full belly that hurts just a little bit from all the laughing and tasty food.)

Let us curate your adventurous and exciting dining experience. Schedule a tour today—your taste buds will thank you.

Call us with questions at (954) 817-9163 or email us at Info@HollywoodFloridaFoodTour.com